Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2026
The Government believes that Pupil Premium is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle the disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it the most.
The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’). Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than 6 months and children of service children personnel.
How we use Pupil Premium
Our aim is to provide first class education to develop and fulfil the potential of all pupils in our care, and faith development of our pupils is of paramount importance.
Pupil Premium funds are used to help the pupils in a lots of ways including academic and non-academic areas. A financial plan lists the different ways in which funds are used in school. This is used to help with attendance,
attainment and progress of our pupils.
These include:
- Progress and Attendance
Senior leaders, class teachers, the Educational Welfare Worker and the office team all care for Pupil Premium pupils in our school as attendance is strongly linked with academic progress.
- Progress of all Pupil Premium pupils, especially in English and Maths
This includes targeted staffing, intervention opportunities, funding of professional development opportunities for teachers and educational equipment so that we can provide outstanding teaching and learning for your child. Teaching Assistants help with pupil progress alongside the first quality teaching in our school.
- English and Maths
Funding is used to help with the delivery of English and Maths skills of Pupil Premium pupils in our school. It is also used to help with the provision of home learning for pupils as effective homework is strongly linked to academic progress e.g. through technology support/equipment.
- Pupil Wellbeing
Funding with uniform where needed, so that the individual needs of our pupils are met.
- School educational visits and retreats.
This will make sure that pupils have access to opportunities to help their educational and personal development. This also includes sporting and theatrical events, art experiences and musical opportunities.
- Aspiration and Opportunities
Funding to provide advice for Pupil Premium pupils so that they can make good choices about their futures. This also helps pupils to aspire to fulfil their potential to use their God given gifts and talents.
Please note that Pupil Premium Funding is best used on providing best quality teaching and learning. This may also benefit other groups of pupils. (Pupil Premium Myths EEF Guidance, 2019).
Pupil Premium Statement 2024-25 and Review of 2023-24
Pupil Premium Statement 2023-24 and Review of 2022-23