01889 228735

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

With God in Our Hearts We Love and Learn.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching is based on the belief that God has a plan for creation, a plan to build his kingdom of peace, love and justice.

This is not limited and involves every aspect of our lives, from prayer, to how we choose to live as a responsible global citizen.

The Catholic Church has seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching that we share with our children in all we do.  Daily this can be seen through curriculum, special events and activities and in our ordinary, routine actions in school.

At St Joseph's, Catholic Social Teaching is fully embedded into our curriculum. Children are asked to put their faith into action.  Catholic Social Teaching underpins the essence of our daily school life. As members of the Catholic Church, we are called to act upon the dignity of all human beings, to care for creation, and to reach out to our sisters and brothers in need.

Pope Francis emphasises that it is our duty to work together to bring about a more just and peaceful world: to put love into action. Our children can articulate the connection between Jesus’ teaching, how we can follow and how Catholic Social Teachings remain a central part of our learning.